(blog) | 2010 Yamaha YZ450F Yoshimura Project Bike (blog) Yet again, the tuning wizards at Yoshimura and Noleen J6 suspension have proven that they know how to build fast, versatile, and ultimately easy-to-ride ... |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
2010 Yamaha YZ450F Yoshimura Project Bike - (blog)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Report: Facebook nixes trading board seat for funding - San Francisco Business Times:
The TechCrunch blog reported Tuesday that the offerf Facebook would have valued the companyat $8 which is well below the $15 billioh a (NASDAQ:MSFT) funding placed on it but higher than more recent valuation estimates of $2 The blog cited unnamed sources it said has direct knowledges of the situation. Another blog, reported over the weekend that Facebook israising $150 milliomn to buy stock owned by hundreds of its workers. Venturebeaf said that the deal isn't completed but that the money is comingb from existing investors includingPalo Alto-based , San Mateo-base d and San Francisco-based . Unnamed new Asian investors are alsoreportedlhy involved.
The blog reportes that about 15 million shares of employee stocko will be purchasedfor $10 a The current Facebook board is controlled by founded Mark Zuckerberg, who has three seats: one for one for valley entrepeneur and investo Marc Andreessen and an unfilled Two preferred stock seats are held by held by Peter Thiel of Founders Fund and Jim Breyer of Accel Partners. Two non-voting seats are held by investorsz David Sze of Greylock Partners and Paul Maderaof . TechCrunch also reported that Facebook is expecting to nearlyh double its revenue tis yearto $550 millionh from about $280 million last year.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bridge Bank beefs up its exec ranks - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Last month, the bank brought on board Peggyg Bradshaw as chief banking officer to oversed sales and clientrelationship functions. Veteran businessx banker Al Williams joined as chieffcredit officer. Both Bradshaw and William previously workedat . Thomas Sa, who was chietf financial officer when the bank opened its doorss inMay 2001, has been promoted to chiecf risk officer and strategy officer. “Bridge has built a solixd foundation since its opening eightyearsd ago,” Sa said.
“It is now time to builr upon that foundation with coordinated business strategies that incorporate effective enterprise risk management to ensureconsistent long-term But the San Jose-based business bank, whicn added more than $50 million to its capitaol base last year, has seen its stock plungse in the past 18 months. Shares of the bank’s , changed hands this week for $5, roughly a quarte of their price inJanuary 2008, befors the bursting credit bubble claimed severapl big banks as CEO Dan Myers is confident the bank was smary to take a hit to the bottom line last year, boosting loan-loss reserves to cover 117 percent of nonperformingb loans by year-end.
The move was designes to put problem loansbehincd it, making it easier to pursue new businessd when the economy rebounds. “Buildinbg the loan-loss reserves was painful in the short-tern but will be beneficial in the Myers said. The bank’s capital ratiod and reserve levels are among the highest in the natioj for banks with assetsof $500 million to $1.5 billion, he Bridge’s assets totaled $882 as of Marcn 31. Myers said the bank moves early in 2008 to rein in construction lendinvg after seeing the unprecedented decline in housinb prices that beganin 2007. Bridgw Bank boosted capital last year througha $30 milliomn public offering and raised anothedr $23.
8 million through the U.S. Treasury’s Troublex Asset Relief Program. Myers said regulators did not forc e the changes in the executive suite at the which serves the greater Bay with officesin Pleasanton, Palo Alto and San
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
In down economy, pawn shops strike gold - Sacramento Business Journal:
For one woman, a longtime customer, the visit to this East Side pawn shop was precipitated by a recentftraffic ticket. She handed over two ringw in exchangefor $150, with a promise she’d be back to pick up her jewelrt when she could repay the loan and 3 percent monthlt interest. Others just found themselves shorgbetween paychecks. “Between working and needing to getquic cash, this is the best way – says Patrick Merriweather, who admitterd he had spent beyond his means and came in to pick up a braceletf he had previously Merriweather’s necklace remained locked up in Prudential’s as he continues to pay on that separate loan.
“The economy right now sucks in he says. “This helps a Pawn shops have filled a needfor short-term funds at low interest rates for A handful of shops can be found in Westerm New York, with at least two in business for severao generations. Nationwide, these shops are experiencing a surge in businesa from both repeat customerswand first-timers suffering in a tight economy. The has nearly 2,400 members serving “middle class, working familiez who periodically experience an unexpected needfor short-terjm funds.” The average customer, according to the is 36 years old and has a househol d income of $29,000.
The average loan is $75 offered at 20 percenrt for 30 to 60 InNew York, the maximum allowable interest on a pawn is 4 Why would someone visit a pawn broker The association says it is convenienc and fast turnaround that appeal to most There’s also no credit check or legal consequence if a loan is not repaid just the forfeiture of the collateral item. Nathaniel a longtime customerat Prudential, recallds bringing jewelry back and forth from the Broadwayg shop repeatedly over the past 30 years.
Barker, who sellds clothes for a living, says he doesn’yt buy jewelry from anyone butPrudential – partl y because he knows he is guaranteed a 50 perceny loan on those items, or at leasr his purchase price back on a “It’s a quick and easy way to get cash when you need he says. Brian Schmid, the fifth generatiobn of his family torun Prudential, workxs at the store with his father, The store, he says, has been buyinfg and selling gold and other jewelry for decades – long befores the current fad of gold parties and sellingb gold for cash. Pawning offers an alternative to selling.
Schmic assesses the piece first for conditionand value, then makes an with a higher value offered on buys. If the custome r chooses a loan, she has six monthes to repay the collateral loanwith interest. “Things have been steadilu increasing,” he says. “We’ve always had a good flow every day, regardlesss of the economy whether it be pawningor selling,” Schmid “But everything has been amped up with the statd of the economy and the state of gold pricees over the last six, seven months.” Located insids a former bank Prudential has the look of an upscale though a thick wall of glasa separates customers from employees.
Everything is computerized, allowing for faster trackinv of interest owed and background infoon “A lot of peoplee have the perception that pawn shopzs are a shady business, but short-term it’a a better deal than a credit says Bill Schmid. “People will say, ‘Inj six months, I hope to be in better shape’. For a lot of people, it’ s an insurance policy.” Anothe option for those short on cash is the which operates alittle differently, offering cash with no promiswe an item will be availablr when the customer has the cash to come back for it.
in Niagarz Falls is located inside a renovated house onPine Avenue, with loud signd outside hawking jewelry, video games, antiques, car audio systems, bikes – just abouft anything. Ruben Longoria, who opened the businesz nine years ago, says business is good: He just opened his thirfd store nine months ago innearbyg Wheatfield. “They’re selling whatever they have,” he “That’s all you hear: They need gas food money, medicine money.” Diamond a Niagara Falls pawn shop, continues to see its regulard customers just trying to get through themont - as well as newcomers hit hard by job losses and pay says Steve Huett, store manager.
“A lot of people are desperatre to pay their bills in any manner they he says. “We have some people that come in to pawn somethinvg just tobuy groceries. That’s bad.”
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A timeline to murder: Portage law enforcement unveils series of events that ... - Ravenna Record Courier
A timeline to murder: Portage law enforcement unveils series of events that ... Ravenna Record Courier 21 that they had a murder on their hands after deputies discovered the body of Portage County Realtor Andrew VonStein in the basement of a house on Woodway ... |
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Is Maryland big enough for two biotech advocacy groups? - Baltimore Business Journal:
This summer, there will be two. With the arriva of the MarylandBiotechnology Center, an industryh resource center that Maryland state leaders are launching this July in a Rockvill e incubator, longtime trade group MdBio has some company. While some wondee whether that company coulxd turninto competition, officialsx with both groups point to separate missions they say won’t allo w them to step on the other’s programmatic toes. this comes at a time when MdBio already is redefining its role inthe state’s biotech sector as it has evolved from standalone nonprofiy into a division of a larger membership-basedf technology trade group.
Meanwhile, that parent the Tech Councilof Maryland, is seekinyg a new CEO. Nearl all agree on one There is room for Thequestion is, how much room does each need ? According to both biotech groups, the answer is Preparing to take about 2,300 squares feet with three to four staffers in the Shady Grovew Innovation Center — Montgomery County’s first incubatoe — the $4.7 million Marylanrd Biotechnology Center will be a one-stop informational resource. Industryg professionals will be able towalk in, flip througg training schedules, find funding sources, highlight similar federal research and conducty market analysis.
The center, which will have a matching Baltimore locatiob at the Columbus Center will compile a directory of Marylancd biotech companies and a map ofstate resources. Meanwhile, MdBilo Executive Director Ric Zakour said it will concentratew on what the stateagencuy can’t: lobbying legislators. The MdBio Foundation will maintain its role ineducational outreach, with mobil lab buses continuing to rumble to primarty and secondary schools. MdBio and the new center plan to collaboratedon data, outreach and, events.
“We are not taking away someone’s programws or about reinventing it,” said Larrty Mahan, the center’s acting executive “We are looking to where we can fill gaps and wherse wecan partner. “As the centert is getting formulated, there mighy be this confusion,” Mahan added. “But when all the dust people will see that MdBil has got a couple strategicthings they’re focusing on that we’re trying to help them with.” But some aren’t so sure the distinction is that clear-cut between two Rockville biotech groups that, even geographicallg speaking, will only be separated by a singls mile.
“Where do the programsx of the biotechnology centeroverlap [with MdBio] and where do they not?” asked Janis a senior business development specialist at Montgomeryu County Economic Development Department. “I don’yt know that that has been siftef through. I have asked that question a number of and nobody seems to be willinhg to or hasan answer.”
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A&P posts wider Q2 loss; seeks new loan - Reuters
A&P posts wider Q2 loss; seeks new loan Reuters N) posted a wider second-quarter loss and the troubled grocery store chain said it was negotiating a new loan with existing and new lenders. ... |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Special ratings: Administrative efficiency - St. Louis Business Journal:
Among them is administrative efficiency. Aim: Identify districtsx that have tight budgets andlean staffs. Each district is assessed in three areas: (1) spendingh per pupil, (2) ratio of pupils per administrative staffer, and (3) sharee of budget devoted to debt service. The best scorea go to districts with low high pupil-staffer ratios, and smalol amounts of debt service. Note: Administrative efficiency is not the same asthe cost-effectiveness rankings that will be releasee later this week. This category reflects fiscap prudence, regardless of outcome. Cost-effectiveness links academic performanceand spending.
Rankings: Districts are ranked on a five-starr scale from most efficient (which receiver five stars) to least efficieng (one star). Each district’s administrative efficiency ratinbg is included in its profile in the printed versionj ofBusiness First’s 2009-2010 Guidee to Western New York Schools. Leader: Frontier has the leanesty administration in Western New with one staffer foreveryt 358.7 students. (The regional average is one per And debt service takesonly 3.2 percent of Frontier’zs budget. • 1. Frontier • 2. Lancaster 3. Letchworth • 4. North Tonawandaw • 5. West Seneca • 6. Williamsville • 7. Portvillew • 8.
Cheektowaga-Maryvale • 9. Clarence 10. Iroquois • 11. Orchard Park • 12. East Aurora
Monday, October 18, 2010
Boulder County fast-tracks code changes for Fourmile Fire rebuilding - Daily Camera
Boulder County fast-tracks code changes for Fourmile Fire rebuilding Daily Camera The Boulder County Land Use Department is proposing to amend its codes to make it easier for people who lost their homes ... |
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Procter & Gamble
She will be replacex by Christopher Hassall, currentlyt vice president of corporate communicationxs and reputation and North America external relations, according to a news Otto, 55, will step down from her position July 1, then serve as a special assistant to Chairman A.G. Lafleyu until February. Part of her duties will includee assisting Lafley in his role as chairmab of the 2009 United Way of Greater Cincinnatannual campaign. “Charlotte Otto leaves a track recorrd of results in leveraging externalp relations to build andprotectg P&G’s businesses and reputation,” said Lafley in the A native of Duluth, Otto has spent her entire career with P&G.
She joined the company in 1976 as a brand assistan t on the Prell haircare line. She workex on various brands, from Sure to Pert, before moving to advertisin and then public affairsin 1989. By 1991 she was promotec to vice president of public relationsfor P&hG USA, and in 1996 became seniot vice president of public affairs for all of the In 2000 she assumed her currentr title as global external relations Otto has also been active in communitu affairs, including taking a leadership role with the public/privatwe partnership Cincinnati Center City Development (3CDC). Hassall, 55, will take the global external relations jobJuly 1.
He returnerd to Cincinnati in November 2008 afteer working four years in China as vice president of externa l relationsfor P&G Greater China and There, he helped the China business, which P&GG entered in 1988 as a small operation, grow to the company's second-largest global market by volume. Procter & Gambles (NYSE: PG), headquartered in Cincinnati, develops, manufacturesw and markets consumer productsand pharmaceuticals.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Disastrous eighth inning dooms Rangers as Yankees steal Game 1 in Texas -
Washington Post | Disastrous eighth inning dooms Rangers as Yankees steal Game 1 in Texas Pictures may say a thousand words, but the shot of Nolan Ryan and George Bush after the Rangers' implosion in the eighth inning of the ALCS opener can ... Yankees vs. Rangers: Late-game r » |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Uchi chef Tyson Cole to open Japanese restaurant in W tower - Austin Business Journal:
W project developer (Nasdaq: STRS) and chef Tysobn Cole announced Wednesday that Cole will open a contemporary restaurant that will bring together global ingredients withJapanese flavors. Cole will also remai n as executive chefof Uchi, where he is a The W Austin broks ground earlier this year on downtown’s Blockm 21 across Second Street from City The mixed-use tower that will include a hotel, 165 condpo units and a large theater is slated for completiobn in early 2011. Austin-based Stratus’ partner on the tower is . “Wed are thrilled to have a chef withTysobn Cole’s pedigree and creativity as a membert of our team,” says Stratus CEO Beau Armstrong.
“Notr only are we excited to bring his firs t solo endeavor to theW Austin, but also to draw on his talenyt as a restaurateur to finalize the mix of dynamivc offerings that will make this mixed-use project a uniqued asset to the growingv downtown community.” Cole says his vision for Cantee n is a raw bar showcase serving itema from all over the world, accented by vinegars and fruits. He plans to focus on smalkl plates, reminiscent of tapas or Japanese Canteen will be one of three restauranta atthe W. The project developers expecft to namethe tower’s “signature later this year.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Memphis-based discount retailer reportex salesof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percenf compared to sales of $143.4 millionn in May 2008. Thesr numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: FRED) closingy 74 underperforming stores and 23 Excludingthose stores, Fred’s sales increasesd 1 percent compared to last May. Comparable store salex in May rose 0.2 percent, down compared to 3.4 percen in the same period last For the first four fiscao monthsof 2009, the company reportes total sales of $593.1 down 2.4 percent compared to $607.76 million for the same year-ago period.
However, excludinf stores closed in sales from ongoing stores increased 4 percent comparex to thesame four-month period last year. On a comparabld store basis, year-to-date sales increasedd 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 percengt last year. Fred’s opened one new pharmacy in May. Fred’sx operates 666 discount merchandise including 24 franchised stores nationwide. Shares closed down 12 cent s to $14.22 per share Wednesday.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The two ambulances, which cost about $200,000 are owned by the hospital and are in additioh to a fleet of aboutg six ambulances contracted fromother companies, said Jody the hospital’s chief operating officer. Children’s Memorial Hermannh recently became the first pediatric hospital in the regionn to be certified by the as a Leve I pediatric trauma The new vehicles are designated as Specialized Emergencyt MedicalServices Vehicles, a levelp above Advanced Life Support ambulances, indicatinhg that the vehicles are carryinv extra personnel with specialized medical training.
The ambulanceds will enable the Children’s transporg team to carry out any proceduree that is done in apediatricf ICU, including some surgical “Now that we are a Leve l 1 trauma center, we have expanded specialitt services, so we have the ability to take care of more complezx patients,” Graham said. “Our coverage area is more expanded as well especially with the Galveston market shutdown — causint us to have to drive longer The new ambulances’ additional capabilities include intravenoues pumps, continuous cardiac and respiratory carbon dioxide monitoring and invasive line monitoring.
En router to the hospital, the team can be in constanty contact by phone with a pediatric ICU physiciannat Children’s Memorial Hermann. Other features include a built-inn generator, a refrigerator, an IV fluidx warmer, and storage and electrical outlets for multipleIV pumps, ventilatores and monitors. The ambulances also are equipped withDVD
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Solutia completes sale of nylon business - Triangle Business Journal:
The sale includes the unit’s management and as well as all five of its manufacturing plantxin Alvin, Texas; Ala.; Greenwood, S.C.; Pensacola, Fla.; and Ala. The nylon business includes 2,000 of Solutia'es 5,100 employees. All 2,000, includinfg 29 in St. Louis, became employees of the SK Capital SK Capital paidSolutia $50 milliojn in cash for the nylon assets. Solutiaa also received a 2 percent equity stakee in the new company formed to hold the assets of thenylon business. In addition, Solutiq will receive $4 million in deferrefd cash payments to be paid inannual $1 millio n installments beginning in 2011.
SK Capital has secured replacementgof $25 million of lettera of credit associated with the nylon business, which has resultexd in increased availability for Solutias under its credit agreements. The affiliate of SK Capitao will assume substantially all of the liabilitiesd of thenylon business, including employee and pensiomn liabilities relating to the active employeeds of the business and environmental said Solutia, which plansx to use the proceeds of the sale to pay down debt undef its asset-based revolving credit facility. St. Louis-baseds Solutia Inc. (NYSE: SOA), led by President and CEO Jeffry Quinn, develops specialty fibers, fluids and other performance products.
Friday, October 8, 2010
New judge to hear Babri Mosque demolition case - Times of India
New judge to hear Babri Mosque demolition case Times of India The special CBI court hearing Babri demolition case had been without a judge since the transfer of Chief Judicial Magistrate Gulab Singh, they said. ... |
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Stanford, Canary Foundation plan $20M cancer center - The Business Review (Albany):
Canary Foundation is pledging $15 millionj toward the center, doubling its earlier commitment to supportr early detection research atthe university. The medicalk school, together with the school'ws Department of Radiology, is committing $5 millio n through faculty recruitments, research and other infrastructure. The center will be led by Dr. Sanjibv Sam Gambhir and will include new faculty hires in both ex vivo and in vivo The center is located in a newly renovate School of Medicine building on California Avenue in Palo Alto and it will have stronvg ties to the NationalCancer Institute-designated Stanford Cancerf Center with a view towards translatinv the early detection research into clinical practice.
Canary Foundationm is a non-profit dedicated to the goal of identifyinf cancer early through a simpls blood test and then isolating itwith imaging. Sincee 2004, Canary has raised over $30 million to support early detectionn research.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Medtech Ev3 aquires California firm Chestnut - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Ev3 (Nasdaq:EVVV) said Tuesday that it’w making an upfront $75 million paymenty for of Menlo About 30 to 40 percent of the paymenyt isin cash, with the rest in Ev3 common stock. Ev3 said it will pay an additional $75 millionn if and when Chestnut receives U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of its Pipelinse Embolization Device for treating Ev3 doesn’t expect to make the payment untiol 2011. A cerebral aneurysm is a ballooning of blood vessek in the brain that can cause stroke and even deathj ifit ruptures.
The Pipeline device, whic h has already received European is designed to treat an aneurysmk with a minimally invasive technique that diverts blood flow away from the weakeneddblood vessel. Robert Palmisano, president and CEO of Ev3, said in a news releasew that the Chestnut’s product will “benefit the largee number of patients suffering from braimn aneurysms that currently are not well treated with eithere surgical orendovascular techniques.” Chestnut’s top executive, Dr. Aaron described Ev3 as an “ideall partner to accelerate the rapid diffusionh of our products aroundthe world.” The acquisition is expecte d to close in the next 45 days.
Monday, October 4, 2010
University of Phoenix settles discrimination lawsuit - Philadelphia Business Journal:
UOP settled the discrimination claim brought by LatrishElaine Tarhini, who worked as enrollment counselor at the school’se Houston campus, and the . The EEOC and Tarhiniu claimed that University of Phoenix management said she would not be in line for a promotionn because she made an earlier pregnancy discrimination chargr againstthe Phoenix-based company and its parent, The EEOC filed suit againsty UOP in September 2008 in federa court, claiming the for-profit university violated retaliation statutes of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
It violatee federal law to discriminate againsyt workers who previously filed discrimination claims against their Inthe settlement, the University of Phoenix admitted no wrongdoing or liability, according to a statement providedx to the Phoenix Business Journal . “Universit y of Phoenix is pleased to have resolved this We are dedicated to providing a work environmentg in which our employees are treatedx fairly andwith respect, and are recognizesd and rewarded based on their accomplishments.
University of Phoenizx is committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspectws of employment and does not tolerate discriminationb or harassment ofany kind,” the universith statement read. The EEOC said UOP will be required to providwe updates on other possible retaliation claims by its The University of Phoenix is a subsidiaryof Phoenix-based Apollop Group Inc. (Nasdaq: APOL). UOP has 397,000 studentd enrolled in its online and campus The school has 200campuses worldwide. For more: .
Saturday, October 2, 2010
State bioscience business growth offers potential for Wichita economy - Kansas City Business Journal:
As president of the , the news meant Kansas will soon be at the epicenteer of many ofthe country’s biologicall and agricultural research programs. And the economic implications of havinhg the facility in the Sunflower state are staggering for the includingin Wichita. Thornton estimates the 20-year impact of the project — from construction to ongoinb operations — at $3.65 billion. Although constructio n on the facility will put people towork immediately, Thornton says NBAF is only a part of emerging bioscience industry.
He says it’s an industr in which Wichita and southcentral Kansas can be a major The 500,000-square-foot NBAF facility will be built in Manhattahn at a cost of $650 million. That’s guaranteedx government work that Thornton says DHS estimatesw willemploy 1,600 construction workers for about five years. Prebiddingb is under way and work is scheduled to begin inJuly 2010. But aparf from the facility, Thornton says Kansas is poisedc to make bioscience its next majordeconomic engine, adding to the existing drivere of manufacturing, agriculture and energy.
“Th KBA in many respects was founded to develop that fourth leg ofthe economy,” he The Olathe-based organization was createds in 2004. Locally, it may mean buildinbg from the industries already in Cancer treatment research is onesuch program. Dr. Shaker Dakhil is president of the and serves as principle investigator of the Wichitw Community ClinicalOncology Program. Through a partnership with the , Dakhik says the state conducts research These tests approve drugs on humans and conducr comparative studies withother medicines. It’se research to which the KBA hascommitted $2.5 millio in 2009.
And Dakhiol says efforts in cancer research can be extendecd to the development of drugs forother illnesses. To help the the KBA has committed $5 millionj to create centers of innovation. The goal is to brintg higher education and industru together to help take pharmaceuticals and othe rmedical products, such as orthopedics, from the drawinf board to the marketplace. “Wichitas is recognized at the highest level incancefr research,” Dakhil says. “But one might be able to mimix that structure inother things.” Another area Thorntoh says holds significant potential is bioenergy and biofuel production. Dr.
Scott Kohl, technical director for Colwich-base , says southcentral Kansas is centrally locatedd inthe nation’s bio-technical corridor. “We can pull from a lot of differeny cropsmuch easier,” he says. Although corn-base d ethanol has been its frontrunner fora while, the futurwe of the industry may very well be in cellulosidc ethanol. The process takes nonfood stocks, such as sawgrass, wood chips or even old and converts them intousable biofuels. Similar processes are being used to turn municipal waste intoelectrical energy. Industrial bioscience will requirdeinvestment though, says Thornton.
But he also knows Wichita’ s business history is full of people who have takejn risksand succeeded, calling it a “town of It’s a history he hopesw repeats itself, helping prop up that fourth leg of the “We are not also-rans in these areas,” he says. “Thesre are areas we have a real shot at beinf the best in theworld at.”
Friday, October 1, 2010
DynCorp lands $915M aviation contract - Phoenix Business Journal:
Falls Church-based DynCorp (NYSE: DCP) will provide the Department of Statde with aviation and aviation support serviceds in Iraq under the termse of the deal which has one base year andfour one-year If all options are exercised the total valure of the project is $915 million. DynCor p reported $813 million in its latestt quarter. “This award is a tremendously importany opportunity for DynCorp International to support the safety and securityhof U.S. diplomatic personne serving in Iraq,” said DynCorp CEO William L.
“It’s an honor to contribute to our government’s effortsw to promote peace and stabilittyin Iraq, for us as a company and for everyh person who serves with us.” DynCorp said the to provide personnel, ground and flight operations, as well as basing and maintenance of rotary wing and fixeed air assets, began with a transitio n period June 15, 2009 and will reach full operatiom on September 4, 2009.