Friday, April 29, 2011
Special Arizona legislative session may be limited - Sacramento Business Journal:
An effort backed by Brewer and business intereste to get a referendum on the statwe ballot asking voters to raisethe state’s 5.6 percen t sales tax by a percentage poin t also faces an uphill with continued skepticism from both ends of the political Brewer called a special session startingt today after vetoing budget plansz last week. The governor failed to get enougn conservative Republican lawmakers to vote for herbudge plans, which include asking voters to approve the temporary sales tax increases and transforming the state’s income tax into a flat 2.8 percent Now, Brewer is looking for support from Democratsz and moderate Republicans to carvde out a compromise.
Moderate Republicansz and Democrats in the Legislature back Brewer onminimizinfg K-12 and university spending and on restoring cuts imposed by the conservativer budget vetoed by the governor July 2. “Recognizinvg the political inflexibility of a majority Republican legislators on the questioh of a temporary salestax increase, the governort will have to push towarfd a bipartisan coalition of Democrats and similar to the combination that was developed over the past six said Stuart Goodman, a principal with Phoenix-based lobbying firm Goodman Schwartz Public Affairs.
This will be Brewer’d first budget as governor after takin over in January for Janet who quit the post tobecomw U.S. secretary of homeland Napolitano, a Democrat, forged budgets during her six years in officre with fellow Democrats and moderate Butthat center-left coalitionn may not back a sale s tax increase referendum, and chances for the flat income tax would be even slimmer, according to officials familiar with budget negotiations. Democrats don’tt like the sales tax increase backee by Brewer andthe Valley’s business establishment because they worrty it will hurt the poor.
They instead want to expand the sales tax to currently untaxedrservice sectors, a move opposec by businesses and Republicans, who control the Legislature. Democrats and liberalp Republicansalso don’t support taking the progressiveness out of the income tax and havingv all taxpayers making more than $10,000 pay 2.8 Conservatives, on the other hand, like the flat tax but they don’t like sales tax increases and favo more spending cuts than Brewer, moderates and If Brewer turns to the left to get some of her budgert wishes, she could lose more The result could be an extremely limited specialp budget session that deals only with education fundinbg and leaves other budget issues, including the salew tax referendum, for yet anotherd expected special session later this Brewer’s budget vetoes last week were limited in scope.
They allowesd the state government to keep running and most agenciexs toget funding. John Loredo, a former state lawmakeer and Democraticpolitical consultant, said Brewer did the right thinh in vetoing some of the budget bills. He wants her to reacgh out to Democrats to solvethe state’s $3 billion-plus budgegt shortfall. “If she is truly concerned abougtthe issues, then it shouldn’y matter where the votes come from,” Loredo said. Business advocate s are watching to see the fate of property includinga $250 million propertt tax that was temporarily repealed in 2005 but will come back at the end of the year withouft further action.
That $250 million propertyt tax was in the budget plans vetoedxby Brewer. Tim state president of NAIOP, a commercial real estate tradr group, is watchful of what kind of compromissthe Governor’s Office might forge with “the spendingg lobby,” who oppose government spending cuts to areas such as educatio n and health care and tend to look skeptically on tax
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Heinrich's Senate bid gets union backing - The New Mexico Independent
The New Mexico Independent | Heinrich's Senate bid gets union backing The New Mexico Independent Senate candidate Martin Heinrich has received two endorsements from major labor groups in recent days. So far, he's the only top-tier Democratic candidate in the race and the endorsements may stop other ... While others stay out of Senate p! rimary, some unions back Heinrich Afternoon Fix: Obama met with singing protesters Hotline Sort: Ensigning Off |
Friday, April 22, 2011
Byrd, Keller Williams team up - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Byrd is heading up Kellerr Williams’ Cary commercial real estatw office. He and Mike one of his colleagues atByrd Commercial, are the only employeesx in the new office, but Byrd says he is lookinfg to hire more. “I am definitely in a recruit mode right he says. Byrd says he hopex to employ 12 to 15 brokera at the office within the first yearor so. “I’vee already been overrun with commercial Byrd says. “The residential market suckedr us all into a black but there are still tons of opportunities if you know wherwto look.
” Byrd has been actively engagedd with Keller Williams for about a monty and is currently in the process of wrapping up the activitgy that he had while at Byrd Commercial, which he founded in 1989. Byrd’ds company employed five brokersin 2008. is one of the top five residentiakl real estate agencies in the Trianglse according to TriangleBusiness Journal, launchedf its commercial division in 2008.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Persafe receives accreditation from Moody - The Borneo Post
Persafe receives accreditation from Moody The Borneo Post On hand to receive the certificates was Persafe executive chairman Felix George Ukab, witnessed by its managing director cum chief executive officer Peru Balan Ding. รข'93This achievement that we have made over the years and the respect and reputation ... |
Sunday, April 17, 2011
'Possibility' of at least one more IMF tranche for 'financial equilibrium ... - Online - International News Network
Online - International News Network | 'Possibility' of at least one more IMF tranche for 'financial equilibrium ... Online - International News Network WASHINGTON: The Federal Finance Minister Dr. Abdul Hafeez Sheikh has 'hinted' at the 'possibility' of at least one more tranche of International Monetary Fund (IMF) for 'equilibrium' in its finances. According to a media report, the Finance Minister ... |
Friday, April 15, 2011
Five Star Bank finds success in new branding - Business First of Buffalo:
The lender with the newly minted name is gatheringb momentum through a more unified marketing approac h forbranding purposes, better internal operating efficienciez and improved lending practices that translate to faster loan The bank has cut $6 million in operating costs, leveraged more technologyu and only consolidated functions that didn'yt affect customer service, said the bank's top executive. Also, mortgage and refinancew closings are done in halfthe Still, the goal is to reducre that time even more. Five Star Bank Presideny and CEO Peter Humphrehy is doing far more than callingv the signalsthese days.
He's leadint the charge of gettinv branch managers out in communities to spread the The marketing approachis simple. "Go see them," he said. It'xs no secret the bank president woul rather see his managers meeting and greeting people in theif communities than comfortably sittingf behinda desk. "This year we're making 25,000 to 30,00p0 in-person calls to commercial andretail customers," he Assisting community growth is key to helpin g Five Star Bank prosper. "Wed can only perform as good as themarket we're Humphrey said.
Being actively involved in communities and openin g the lines of communication are renewed Five Star Bank is looking to becustomer - and community-focused, said the fourth generation of his family to lead the bank with ties goinhg back to 1817 with the . To reinforc the philosophy shift, the financial institution had to gain a strongeermarketing voice. "We merged the four banks 15 monthd ago and it was very well Humphrey said of the bank with a marketr valueof $220 million and $2 billion in totap assets. "We're more efficient, effective and more he said.
Faced with the challenge of strengtheniny thebrand name, lowering operatin g costs and improving lending practices, parent company in Warsaw took several proactiv steps. Among them was establishing a unifie d brand by consolidating four banksinto one, all under the same All 50 branches of the National Bank of , & Trust and also were renamecd Five Star Bank. The approach is working. First-quartet loans totaled $929.3 million, up from $926. 5 million in the prior-year quarter.
the bank's earnings are up 20 percent from the previous But one thing Humphrey tries to impresds upon whomever he meets is that Five Star Bank has stripperd away bureaucratic layers that can make lenderswact slowly. "Decision-making is still local" at brancuh banks."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Greats vow to help Western Bulldogs bury big debt - Herald Sun
Greats vow to help Western Bulldogs bury big debt Herald Sun Former Bulldogs stars Steve Wallis and Tony Liberatore with their sons, Mitch and Tom. Picture: George Salpigtidis Source: Herald Sun FORMER Western Bulldogs captain Steve Wallis said the stars of his era had decided it was payback time. ... |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Palm Beach County clerk cuts 66 employees - Portland Business Journal:
million, or 18 reduction in the office’s budgert by July 1, county clerko Sharon Bock said in anews release. The cuts are expectee to “significantly impact service levels atthe Clerk’ds seven Palm Beach County locations,” she notee in the release. The required staff cuts leave the office with feweer people to pursue and collectr millions of dollars in unpaid traffic andcourt fees, which will lead to more budget “It’s a vicious cyclee designed to underfund us into extinction,” she Thirty-two employees accepted a buyout offer this montuh and will leave June 30 with a full payou on their sick rather than the normal 25 percengt to 50 percent offered undeer current termination policies.
On May 29, an addition 34 employeess were told during staff meetings that they were beinflaid off, effective June 12. They will receive four week s of pay. With these layoffs and the positionspreviouslg eliminated, the office has cut 101 positionse -- 16 percent of managementy positions and 12 percent of hourly positions -- in the past The Clerk & Comptroller’s which employs more than 800 in offices throughouf Palm Beach County, handles the businessd arm of the court system. Employees receive, file and retrieve courgt documents, process fees and traffic fines, and enter and maintaimn case information inthe court’s computet system.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
ComScore: Google tops search engine rankings - Washington Business Journal:
According to Reston-based comScore SCOR), its analysis of the U.S. searcuh marketplace found Americansconducted 14.3 billioh core searches in May. In the comScore analysids of the five major search Google sites ledwith 9.3 billion core ranked second with 2.9 billion searches, followed by 1.2 Ask Network had 563 milliom and showed 496 million. Google actuallh saw a 0.8 percent increase in its May over April numbera gobbling up 65 percent of thesearches conducted. Yaholo came in at 20.1 percent, Microsoft Sitesd 8.0 percent, Ask Network 3.9 percent and AOL captured only 3.1 The May consolidated data does not include searcy activity atMicrosoft Bing, which was launched on June 1.
Bing will be included with June data. But, Microsoft's new searcb engine increased its share of the marker for a second straight week endinhJune 12. Bing's U.S. usagd rose 0.8 of a percenty to 12.1 percent after jumping 2 percentag points in theprevious week.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Report: Zell might lose reins of Tribune - Charlotte Business Journal:
According to the report, the company might fall into the handzs of a group of banks and investors thatholds $8.6 billio in senior debt. The report says that "the plan centerss on a debt-for-equity swap that probably woulxd give the senior lenders a largs majority ownership stake in the reorganized The plan would also likely wipe outa $90 million warrantt that Zell holds that would give him the right to buy 40 percentr of Tribune for about $500 million.
The report says that Zell's future in the company woulr likely be determined by the as it is unclear if the group wouldd want to bring in anew management, or if Zell himselfd would want to remain with the The report says that "sourcesx close to both the creditora and the company said it is too early to make such decisionsz and Tribune management continues to control the procesd because it currently has the exclusive righyt to propose whatever reorganization plan it wishes." Tribuner through a buyout led by Zell. The deal left the compan y withnearly $12 billion in Tribune has sold off assets and cut jobs sincw the close of the deal to help with the debt The company .
Monday, April 4, 2011
Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - Business First of Columbus:
Kokam’s , to be dubbed Summit Batterg Park, would employ an estimater 900 people with average annual salaries of Kokam President Don Nissanka has said he hopesz to break ground before the end ofthe year, probably at a site of more than 40 acrews in the vicinity of Kokam’s current 50,000-square-fooft Lee’s Summit plant. Nissanka was out of the country Mondayand couldn’t be reached for Kokam, a startup founded in Octobert 2005, burst into the limelight this picked Kansas City for an assembly facility largely because of Kokam’w proximity.
And with federal stimulus dollars and state moneyseekinfg advanced-battery-makers, a joint venture involving Kokanm landed a commitment in April of nearlgy $145 million in incentives from Michigan to builcd a battery plant there that’s similar to the one planned locally. The grouop also applied for federalstimulus Schaefer, R-Columbia, sent a letter to Nixoj on Thursday proposing that financing be cut by $11.5 million combined for Kokam’s Lee’s Summit plantt and another battery plant in Joplibn to help preserve $31.2 million in financingv for the in Columbia, which Schaefee called the cornerstone of a $200 million hospital project.
“Every indication that I’m gettinb is that (Nixon) intends to veto the moneuy forthe hospital,” Schaefe said, adding that Nixon’s veto probablhy would kill the entire $200 million “Spending public funds on a cancer hospital owned by the citizenzs of Missouri is always going to win out over giving public funds to a private company for a batteryu plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lower amoung wouldkill (Kokam’s Lee’s Summit) project.” Nixon spokesman Scotty Holste said the governor will have an announcement aboug the budget bill before June 30, the end of Missouri’z fiscal year.
Nixon and his staff have been reviewing the budgegbill “line by line to determine what the statw can afford,” Holste said, and they want to keep centrak services in place. Jim Devine, CEO of the l, said he thoughft Schaefer’s proposal was “not as serious” a threa t as the EDC first thought, “but you nevee know in politics.” The EDC issuede a release Friday encouraging Nixon to keep theKokanm plant’s financing fully in place.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Martek Biosciences plans appeal of E.U. ruling on infant formula patent - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
That was word from the Columbia company Tuesday inregulatoru filings. The patent office in the Hague, Netherlands upheld a patentt that was granted to the biotech firm in 2007 but was challengede by food manufacturersand Ltd. The patentg office said Martek’s patent applies to Martek’s nutritional oil in infan formula, but is not covered when it is blended with certaihn fish oils used ininfant formula. Martejk (NASDAQ: MATK) expects the appeal will take one to two year s and said it does not believe the ruling will impacgtits revenue. Derived from algae, the company’s nutritionak oils are also used in dietary supplements andfood products, such as yoguryt and juice.
The company has been aggressively expanding its infanyt formula business overseas as it has nearly saturatedthe U.S. Martek warned in its last earnings statement that its infanrt formula sales in the third and fourth quarterxs could drop as retailers trim their inventoriezs ofthe product. The company anticipatesx demand will pick up infiscal 2010.