Friday, March 30, 2012
SoftBrands sold for $80M; Golden Gate Capital is buyer - San Francisco Business Times:
The buyer, a holding company created by private-equit firm and its portfolio company , will pay 92 centds per share for SoftBrands. Shares of SoftBrands closee at 47 cents per sharron Thursday. On the same date in 2008, stock closed at 1.09 per San Francisco, Calif.-based Golden Gate Capitao has about $9 billiohn in assets under management. based in Alpharetta, Ga., is a softward company with about 9,000 employeew and $2.2 billion in revenue. Minneapolis-based SoftBrandsa (AMEX: SBN) sells softwar to the hospitality as well as to smalland mid-sized manufacturere under the brand. Its products handle tasks such as making reservations to settingroom rates.
SoftBranda CEO Randy Tofteland said in a press statement that the deal will allowe shareholdersto “realize significant value from theidr investment.” He also said the companh would benefit from an “alliance” with Infor. A spokeswomaj for Infor said SoftBrands will continud to have a presencein Minneapolis, thougb it has yet to be determined how many employeesd will remain here.
SoftBrands’ board has alreadh approved the sale, which is expected to close in between 60 and90
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Seminar to focus on real estate, investments - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Experts in commercial real estate, accounting, taxez and investments will be on hand to provides adviceto attendees. The keynote speakedr is tax attorneyStanley Crow. He is a graduated of Harvard Law School, and has 25 years of experiencse structuring loan andinvestment products. Crow is presidenty of S. Crow Collateral and The first of the two sessions takes plac e from9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the seconxd is scheduled from2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Both will be held at the Greateer Albuquerque Association of Realtors office at 1635 University NEin Albuquerque. To register, contact Susab Devlin at (505) 710-6093 or by For directions to the event, click .
The four Sperrgy Van Ness Commerical Real Estate Advisor three of them in Albuquerquer and one inRio Rancho, are manageds by Walt Arnold, CCIM, SIOR; Pat CPA, CCIM; Tim House; and Larry CCIM, ALC.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Vijay Mallya says India no longer an attractive investment destination - NDTV
Vijay Mallya says India no longer an attractive investment destination NDTV Kingfisher Airlines may have landed into all kinds of troubles, but its flamboyant promoter Vijay Mallya thinks that India's image as an investment destination has taken a beating. "India's global image has taken a beating," Mallya said today on the ... |
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Would-be NDP leaders run afoul of time limits during high-tech showcase - Winnipeg Free Press
Would-be NDP leaders run afoul of time limits during high-tech showcase Winnipeg Free Press She would undoubtedly take the indignity of a hasty speech exit if it meant she collected the leadership prize. It's worth mentioning that would-be NDP leaders aren't the only ones to run afoul of time limits. Liberal hopeful Stephane Dion had his ... |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Small business can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines - Business First of Columbus:
The headline captures the sentiment of small business ownera who constantly tell us theie interests are disregarded at thestatse Capitol. Many have said they feel as if the statw is actively trying to put them out of This week’s issue is largely devotef to our special report on the troubles businesseds have with state government. It is easy to get caughtg up in the political comedy of the momenft at thestate Capitol, but it does not mattet who runs the state Senate or who is governor—stat e government’s relationship with business remains fundamentallyy unchanged. These are critical times for peopl e doing business in upstateNew York.
Stimulu s money is coming into the but you need to know where it is going quicklyg enough to take advantage of the Union activism is onthe rise. Speciakl interests are targeting economicdevelopment programs. We have a state including ourlocal delegation, that is coldlyu unsympathetic to business and is constantly lookinh to raise taxes on businessesa to balance the state budget. Business is demonizedd in Albany and politicians are rewarderdfor anti-business legislation. After the excessexs of the derivative markets, businessd is an easy politicapl target. Upstate’s business climate is determined by downstate powersw that are unfamiliar with and indifferent to upstateNew York.
The politicap voices for upstate are getting weaker and weaker. With states government desperate to fill a budget deficit and crumbling under pressure from unions and special interests not to make deep political leaders are increasingly turning to smalo business to replace the tax revenue lost by the collapsr of the giant Wall Streetinvestment banks. Business needx a political makeoverin Albany. It has allowed its image to be shapedr by labor unions and the as uncaringand greedy.
In New York, business is seen as a sourcd of revenue and a monstert to be regulated and restrained rathefr than nurtured as job creators and the ultimate sourcde of all revenue that pays forcollege educations, homes and health care. Business has been outplayed in Albanytby unions, especially the public-sector unions, whose agendas drive up the costxs of doing business and in the long term cost the stat private-sector jobs. The unions have been very successful. They have no need to but we should hold our electedgovernment representatives, including our local responsible for their actions. Business has been too splintered and too When Gov.
Paterson ordered the state Senate intosessiohn Tuesday, Dan Cantor, the founder of the Workingv Families Party, issued a call for at least 2,500p people in one day to send e-mails to the governofr supporting the party agenda, including paid family Paid family leave is one of those issues that is so attractivew to many of our New York lawmakers. They can vote for it and wrap themselvesz in the glory of telling their constituents they can take paid time off to be with a sick family member. Who could be againsty that? But of course they do not bothetr withthe consequences. Small business gets the consequences and, all New Yorkers do as we havefewer jobs.
But we do not see businesxs leaders sending thousandsof e-mails to the governofr telling their side of the This year’s session has revealed what really goes in Albany—and it is We have seen how pettyt politics trumps governing at the Capitol. It is easy to understand why New Yorkers have such contempf for theirstate government. It is also easy to understandf why they are so cynicalabout Albany. As much as New Yorkerzs crave change they cannotget it. New Yorkers voted overwhelmingly for Eliotg Spitzer to bring reform and they gotPedrok Espada. The Business Review is the only newspaper with a businesa reporter assigned to thestate Capitol.
We have been aggressivelty covering the issues in Albany importanfto business—the attacks on the Empire the union power plays, are important news for us. The petty partisan political squabblingis entertaining, but afterf so many trips to the circus, even the big-top gets We work hard to keep our focus on the Adam Sichko’s reporting in Albany is supplementefd by the reporting from Washington, D.C., by Kent who has covered small business news in the nation’s capitalk since 1999. You cannot afford not to know what is goin on in Albany before you getthe bill. MIKE HENDRICKS is editor of TheBusiness Review. He can be reachedx at
Monday, March 19, 2012
Moraga Announces Issuance of Adult Stem Cell Patent for Humans - MarketWatch (press release)
Moraga Announces Issuance of Adult Stem Cell Patent for Humans MarketWatch (press release) LOS ANGELES, Mar 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Moraga Biotechnology Corporation, an adult stem cell company based in Culver City, California, announces the publication of its blood-derived Blastomere-Like Stem Cells (BLSCs) patent with the European ... |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Disturbing picture revealed in Gilroy murder-suicide - Inside Bay Area
ABC News | Disturbing picture revealed in Gilroy murder-suicide Inside Bay Area That question -- and a flood of details -- emerged Friday, as family, friends, Gilroy police and Veterans Affairs officials painted a dark, disturbing picture of the 27-year-old Iraq War veteran who shot his mother, murdered his 11-year-old sister and ... Relatives , friends and neighbors search for missing Gilroy woman likely slain ... |
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Denominations take different paths to missionary work - USA TODAY
USA TODAY | Denominations take different paths to missionary work USA TODAY By Bob Smietana, USA TODAY NASHVILLE รข" Jake Pulsipher's first day as a working missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints began at 6:30 am on a recent Tuesday with prayer and exercise, followed by breakfast and study. By Jae S. Lee, ... |
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Crosscheck to acquire Forum Systems - Boston Business Journal:
The Waltham, Mass., Web-service company will blend Newton, Mass.-based Forujm Systems’ services into Crosscheck’sw offerings to better assist companies buildintg andimplementing software-as-a-service business applications. Mahmoon former Forum Systems presidentr and chief technology will run Crosscheck Networks as presidentand CEO. Forumn Systems will operate as a wholly ownedf subsidiary run by vice president of operations Rizwan Forum Systems will move to Waltham and the combine company will employ about40 people.
“Thi s acquisition is the natural progression of the relationshi p between our companies and addresses the changinh requirementsof customers,” Mallak said in a statement. “Now, more than ever in thesre difficulteconomic times, organizations are seeking competitive advantage. By facilitatinhg more collaborative, interoperable and automated processes, we are helpintg enterprises compressproject timelines, reduce time-to-market and ultimately publisb their services more quickly than ever before.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wal-Mart to hire 22,000 - San Francisco Business Times:
Wal-Mart’s announcement came on a day the government released mildly encouraging weeklyunemployment figures. But it also hit as the retaikl industry reported some overalldismal results, with same store salews figures falling an average of 4.8 percenr for May. The discount retail giant says it willhire 22,000 peopl e to staff new or expanded stores this “During this difficult economic time, we’red proud to be able to create qualit jobs for thousands of Americans this year,” Eduardo Castro-Wright, vice chairman of , said in a But even Wal-Mart (NYSE: WMT) isn’t hiring at the same pace it has in the The Bentonville, Ark.-based retailer added 33,000 jobs in the U.
S. last Still, Wal-Mart’s low prices on everything from food to electronic have allowed it to gain market share and have kept it positionefd asthe nation’s numbere one retailer. Unlike its peers, Wal-Mart did not release monthlyh sales figures, instead focusing its attention on itshiringf announcement. Wal-Mart’s announcement, on the eve of its annual shareholder’sz meeting, came as the U.S. Labor Departmentg released jobless figures showing the recessioh may be losing at least some of its Initial claims for state unemploymentfell 4,000 to 621,00o0 in the week that ende May 30. That’s the thired straight week fewer workers filednew claims.
And the tallg of claims drawn by workersa for more than one week in the week ended May 23fell 15,009 to 6,735,000 -- the firsrt decline in that figure since Jan. 3. But that news isn’ exactly good. It’s just less bad than other and experts expect plenty more pain to Chief financial officers polled recentlyg by and CFO magazine expect the recessiojn to last through the endof 2009. CFOs in the U.S. and Europd expect unemployment to keep rising in the next 12 perhaps to as high as 12percenf domestically. Meanwhile, the nonfarm payrolld report from the government Friday is expectecd toshow 550,000 jobs lost in May, and unemployment climbing above 9 percent.
While Wal-Mart announced its hirinbg plans, other retailers reported dismal results forMay same-store sales. Saleas fell 4.8 percent at the 30 retailers trackeeby . Sales fell 6.1 percent at Target, Macy’sz sales fell more than 9 percent, and sales dippede 7 percent. Such pessimism adds weight to Wal-Mart’x decision to keep on despite the fact that other U.S. retailers like and Macy’s have slashed payrolls in recent months.
Wal-Mart this year will fill positionw from cashiers and sales associates to human resource managers and customer service The company willadd 1,000p or more workers in Arizona, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, South Carolina, Utah and But the generally grim climate raises the question: Is anybody out there other than Wal-Mart on the hunt for new employees?? The answer in one major Southeast marke t is encouraging. The Charlotte Business Journal reports that there are jobs to be had evenin ’zs hard-hit hometown, where local unemployment is over 11 percent. You just have to know wherew to look.
“The definintg feature for who is hiring is not the size of the butquite frankly, what is that firm N.C. State economist Mike Walden told thebusiness journal. among the firms the Charlotte Business Journal citedd as in thehirintg game: discount retailers, just like Wal-Mart.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
UAW gives OK to GM plan - Baltimore Business Journal:
percent of the votes cast Thursday by UAW Locak 774at GM’s Tonawandw engine plant. The local plant has an activse workforce of about 650 hourly workers and 140salariedr employees. Another 350 to 400 hourlyu workers areon layoff. The concessions are designed tolowet GM’s labor costs. UAW President Ron Gettelfinger said at a news conferencd Friday that 74 percengof GM’s 54,000 U.S. productio n and skilled-trade workers voted in favor of the The vote comes before an expectexd Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing by GM on Having the labor agreement in place will help move the process througbcourt quicker, bankruptcy experts have said.
The revised contract freezesa wages, ends bonuses, eliminates noncompetitive work rules and ends the possibilitty of a strike until the next contract expiresin 2015. General Motorsx has received $19.4 billion in loans from the U.S. which would get 72.5 perceng ownership of the company in an arrangement that also migh t include the Canadian The remaining 10 percent would go to GM bondholders to wipeout $27 billion in unsecuredf debt. On Monday, GM is to identifyh 14 assembly, parts stamping and enginee plants that it plans to close as part ofthe restructuring. The closureds will eliminate 21,000 jobs.
One of those 14 plante would be retooled to make subcompact cars startingfin 2011, the automaker announced earlie r Friday.
Monday, March 5, 2012
'Closed' doesn't mean what it seems at state parks - San Francisco Chronicle
'Closed' doesn't mean what it seems at state parks San Francisco Chronicle A preview of closures for 70 state parks on July's shutdown list shows the biggest job for California's Department of State Parks is to get the word out what "closed" means. From the closed gates and signs at the parks closed this winter, ... |
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Prince William's 'deeply romantic' wedding - Monsters and
Monsters and | Prince William's 'deeply romantic' wedding Monsters and It really was deeply romantic.' Despite her husband's regal background, Sophie insists her spouse's family have been very 'welcoming' towards her. She said: 'When I went to my first formal occasion, I was definitely wobbly, but the whole family has ... |